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FWP Training Package Update: Everything You Need to Know About the Changes

FWP Training Package Update

28 September 2023 Update

FWP Training Package Update: Forest Operation Programs Get More Time

Registered training organisations (RTOs) offering forest operation programs have a reason to celebrate as the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) announced a new FWP training package update. ASQA moved the transition deadline for these qualifications, giving you and your students more time to complete training.

  • FWP20121 – Certificate II in Forest Operations
  • FWP30121 – Certificate III in Forest Operations

The revised transition period now concludes on 31 January 2025, extending from its initial deadline of 23 January 2024. This development benefits both existing students and new enrolments at RTOs.

During the extended transition period, these qualifications will continue to be within your scope of registration. You can continue offering the mentioned training products, providing ongoing support to both current and new students pursuing qualifications. However, it’s essential to note that all students must either complete their courses or transition to alternative qualifications by the new transition end date.

ASQA has worked closely with key education authorities, including the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority and the Training Accreditation Council of Western Australia, to ensure this decision aligns with the best interests of RTOs and their students.

This update empowers your RTO to adapt and provide even better training services to your students. While the extension offers more time, you must plan accordingly and take advantage of this opportunity to support your learners effectively.

22 February 2023 Update

Minor Forest and Wood Products – FWP Training Package Update – Version 8.1 Released

The forest and wood products training package (FWP) for Australia has just released version 8.1, which includes a minor change. FWP40222 – Certificate IV in Timber and Wood Products Operations has been updated to reflect changes to the titles of its elective units, ensuring that the qualification remains relevant and up-to-date.

While FWP40222 release 2 remains equivalent to release 1, it now includes changes to its elective units that reflect updates made to the TAE units of competency. These training updates have been included to improve the quality and effectiveness of the FWP training package in Australia, keeping it in line with the latest industry practices. These modifications on the FWP training package update are:

Superseded New Equivalency
TAEDEL401 – Plan, organise and deliver group-based learning TAEDEL411 – Facilitate vocational training Not Equivalent
TAEDEL402 – Plan, organise and facilitate learning in the workplace TAEDEL412 – Facilitate workplace-based learning Equivalent

27 January 2023 Update

Industry Committee Emphasises Proper Training for Manual Tree Felling Competency of the FWP Training Package in Australia

Forest Management and Harvesting Industry Reference Committee (IRC) has announced that they are taking safety concerns seriously and are making changes to the units of competency required for the Fell Trees Manually (basic, intermediate, and advanced) assessment.

The IRC has received feedback from the forestry industry that the current units do not provide enough assessment activities for an individual to demonstrate competency. As a result, the IRC has recommended that RTOs continue to use the superseded units until they can undertake a full review in 2023.

Superseded Unit Current Unit
FWPCOT2253 – Fell trees manually (basic) FWPCOT2274 – Fell trees manually (basic)
FWPFGM3216 – Fell trees manually (intermediate) FWPCOT3347 – Fell trees manually (intermediate)
FWPFGM3217 – Fell trees manually (advanced) FWPCOT3348 – Fell trees manually (advanced)

The new way of assessing tree felling skills in the current units has been improved. But instead of cutting down many trees, learners only need to cut down a few to demonstrate competence within the performance evidence. This change was made because it’s not always possible for students to practice on many trees, especially in places that are not forests.

The IRC has stressed that any RTO delivering any of the current units of competency must ensure that students have undergone sufficient training before the assessment to ensure they have received enough training before being assessed. This also ensures they have the necessary skills and knowledge to perform the task safely.

Furthermore, the IRC highlighted that felling trees is dangerous, and students must be fully trained and skilled before being assessed as competent in felling live trees.

Overall, the changes aim to address the issue of tree access in non-forestry settings and ensure that students receive appropriate training and assessment to ensure their safety and competency.

To ensure that RTOs like you can effectively deliver the updated units, it is crucial that you read the guidance provided in the CVIG by the Forest Management and Harvesting Industry Reference Committee before applying to include these units in their scope. To assist RTOs during this process, an additional 12-month extension to the teach-out period for these units has been requested from ASQA.

20 January 2023 Update

Extended FWP Training Package Transition Period Approved for FWP Qualifications

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has the ability to approve transition periods that go beyond the standard set by Clauses 1.26 (a), (b), and (c) of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. This decision is only made if it can be demonstrated that a significant disadvantage would occur for a group of learners without the extension.

Recently, ASQA approved an extended transition period for the following Forest and Wood Products (FWP) qualifications:

  • FWP20116 – Certificate II in Forest Growing and Management
  • FWP20216 – Certificate II in Harvesting and Haulage
  • FWP30116 – Certificate III in Forest Growing and Management
  • FWP30216 – Certificate III in Harvesting and Haulage
  • FWP40116 – Certificate IV in Forest Operations
  • FWP50116 – Diploma of Forest and Forest Products

This extension is only available for continuing students enrolled in ASQA registered RTOs with delivery scope. The deadline for the extended training, assessment, and certification period is 31 January 2024.

Organisations such as the Food, Fibre and Timber Training Council, Forest Training Council, Forest Products Commission, and Skills Impact supported this decision. These FWP qualifications will remain on the scope of registration for ASQA regulated RTOs until the end of the extended transition period unless the RTO chooses to remove them.

A Quick Recap: FWP Training Package Updates version 8

In case you missed it, here are the qualifications and units of competency updates on FWP version 8, which was released on 25 January 2023.

Qualifications Updates in the FWP Training Package

Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWP20121 – Certificate II in Forest Operations FWP20122 – Certificate II in Forest Operations Equivalent
FWP20316 -Certificate II in Sawmilling and Processing FWP20322 – Certificate II in Timber and Wood Products Operations Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWP20516 -Certificate II in Timber ManufacturedProducts FWP20322 -Certificate II in Timber and Wood Products Operations Not equivalent
FWP30121 -Certificate III in Forest Operations FWP30122 – Certificate III in Forest Operations Equivalent
FWP30316 -Certificate III in Sawmilling and Processing FWP30322 – Certificate III in Timber and Wood Products Operations Not equivalent
FWP30516 – Certificate III in Timber Manufactured Products FWP30322 -Certificate III in Timber and Wood Products Operations Not equivalent
FWP30621 -Certificate III in Timber Building Products Supply FWP30622 -Certificate III in Timber Building Products Supply Equivalent
FWP30920 -Certificate III in Timber Truss or Frame Manufacture Release 2 FWP30920 – Certificate III in Timber Truss or Frame Manufacture Release 3 Equivalent
FWP31021 -Certificate III in Saw Technology Release 1 FWP31021 -Certificate III in Saw Technology Release 2 Equivalent
FWP31121 -Certificate III in Wood Machining Release 1 FWP31121 – Certificate III in Wood Machining Release 2 Equivalent
FWP40121 – Certificate IV in Forest Operations Release 1 FWP40121 – Certificate IV in Forest Operations Release 2 Equivalent
FWP40216 – Certificate IV in Timber Processing FWP40222 – Certificate IV in Timber and Wood Products Operations Not equivalent

Skill Sets Updates in the FWP Training Package

Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPSS00028 – Skillset for a finger jointing plant operator Not applicable Deleted


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPSS00029 – Skillset for a finger jointing moulder operator Not applicable Deleted
FWPSS00030 – Skillset for a finger jointing grader operator Not applicable Deleted
FWPSS00031 – Skillset for a finger jointing quality control tester Not applicable Deleted
FWPSS00065 – Silviculture Worker Skill Set Release 1 FWPSS00065 – Silviculture Worker Skill Set Release 2 Equivalent
Not applicable FWPSS00068 – Entry into a Saw Technician Role Skill Set Newly created
Not applicable FWPSS00069 – Entry into a Wood Machinist Role Skill Set Newly created
Not applicable FWPSS00070 – Process Control and Optimisation (Timber Sawmills) Skill Set Newly created
Not applicable FWPSS00071 – Foundational Leadership and Management (Log Yard Operations) Skill Set Newly created
Not applicable FWPSS00072 – Foundational Leadership and Management (Log Processing Operations) Skill Set Newly created
Not applicable FWPSS00073 – Foundational Leadership and Management (Timber Dry Mill Operations) Skill Set Newly created
Not applicable FWPSS00074 – FoundationalLeadership and Management (Timber Kiln Drying Operations) Skill Set Newly created
Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
Not applicable FWPSS00075 – Foundational Leadership and Management (Timber Treatment Operations) Skill Set Newly created
Not applicable FWPSS00076 – Foundational Leadership and Management (Engineered Wood Products Operations)Skill Set Newly created

Units of Competency Updates in the FWP Training Package

Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPCOT2202 – Rack material FWPCOT2272 – Rack timber or round poles Equivalent
FWPCOT2209 – Produce finger jointed timber FWPCOT3337 – Operate timber finger jointing line Not equivalent
FWPCOT2231 – Pack products FWPCOT2271 – Pack timber or wood products for despatch Equivalent
FWPCOT2234 – Dock material to length FWPCOT2268 – Cut timber or engineered wood product to length or dimensions Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPCOT2240 – Cut material with a pole saw FWPCOT2270 – Cut wood materials with pole saw for unblocking machinery components Equivalent
FWPCOT2245 – Operate and maintain a table saw FWPCOT2269 – Operate and maintain a table saw Not equivalent
FWPCOT2253 – Fell trees manually (basic) FWPCOT2274 – Fell trees manually (basic) Equivalent
FWPCOT2256 – Trim and cut felled trees FWPCOT2273 – Trim and cut felled trees Equivalent
FWPCOT3203 – Weigh loads Not applicable Deleted
FWPCOT3208 – Test strength of joints FWPTMM4213 – Test finger jointed timber Not equivalent
FWPCOT3224 – Plan and monitor equipment maintenance FWPCOT3335 – Conduct operator level equipment maintenance in forest and wood products industry Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPCOT3227 – Receive and measure logs FWPCOT3340 – Develop knowledge of log yard operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3231 – Operate steam boiler FWPCOT3334 – Conduct steam boiler operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3232 – Operate heat plant FWPCOT3333 – Conduct heat plant operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3235 – Machine material using CNC machining and processing centres FWPCOT3332 – Machine timber or engineered wood products using CNC machining and processing centres Equivalent
FWPCOT3240 – Grade heavy structural/engineered products FWPCOT3339 – Grade wood product visually Not equivalent
FWPCOT3248 – Dry timber in solar assisted kilns FWPSAW3257 – Operate timber drying kiln Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPCOT3227 – Receive and measure logs FWPCOT3340 – Develop knowledge of log yard operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3231 – Operate steam boiler FWPCOT3334 – Conduct steam boiler operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3232 – Operate heat plant FWPCOT3333 – Conduct heat plant operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3235 – Machine material using CNC machining and processing centres FWPCOT3332 – Machine timber or engineered wood products using CNC machining and processing centres Equivalent
FWPCOT3240 – Grade heavy structural/engineered products FWPCOT3339 – Grade wood product visually Not equivalent
FWPCOT3248 – Dry timber in solar assisted kilns FWPSAW3257 – Operate timber drying kiln Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPCOT3227 – Receive and measure logs FWPCOT3340 – Develop knowledge of log yard operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3231 – Operate steam boiler FWPCOT3334 – Conduct steam boiler operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3232 – Operate heat plant FWPCOT3333 – Conduct heat plant operations Not equivalent
FWPCOT3235 – Machine material using CNC machining and processing centres FWPCOT3332 – Machine timber or engineered wood products using CNC machining and processing centres Equivalent
FWPCOT3240 – Grade heavy structural/engineered products FWPCOT3339 – Grade wood product visually Not equivalent
FWPCOT3248 – Dry timber in solar assisted kilns FWPSAW3257 – Operate timber drying kiln Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPSAW2204 – Dock boards with mechanical feed FWPCOT2268 – Cut timber or engineered wood product to length or dimensions Not equivalent
FWPSAW2206 – De-stack seasoning racks FWPSAW2213 – Destack timber drying racks Equivalent
FWPSAW2209 – Dismantle, transport and assemble hand portable sawmill FWPSAW3252 – Assemble, operate and dismantle a portable sawmill Not equivalent
FWPSAW3205 – Dry hardwood FWPSAW3257 – Operate timber drying kiln Not equivalent
FWPSAW3206 – Dry softwood FWPSAW3257 – Operate timber drying kiln Not equivalent
FWPSAW3215 – Screen wood chips FWPCOT3342 – Screen wood chips Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPSAW3216 – Transfer wood chips FWPCOT3344 – Transfer wood chips Not equivalent
FWPSAW3223 – Assess wood chips FWPCOT3343 – Test wood chips quality Not equivalent
FWPSAW3224 – Coordinate and monitor the wood chip stockpile FWPCOT3341 – Coordinate and monitor wood chip stockpile Equivalent
FWPSAW3229 – Operate a portable sawmill FWPSAW3252 – Assemble, operate and dismantle a portable sawmill Not equivalent
FWPSAW3230 – Perform primary log breakdown FWPSAW3255 – Operate conventional log breakdown saw line Not equivalent
FWPSAW3231 – Perform secondary log breakdown FWPSAW3255 – Operate conventional log breakdown saw line Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPSAW3241 – Set up and operate production saws used in sawmill operations FWPSAW3255 – Operate conventional log breakdown saw line Not equivalent
FWPSAW3243 – Produce sawn green boards FWPSAW3253 – Re-saw green timber Not equivalent
FWPSAW3249 – Saw logs using CNC optimising systems FWPSAW3254 – Control and monitor automated green mill saw line Not equivalent
FWPSAW3250 – Select and saw logs in multi-species operations FWPSAW3256 – Select and saw logs in multi-species operations Equivalent
FWPSAW4201 – Plan and monitor timber treatment plant operations FWPCOT4222 – Plan for and supervise timber treatment plant operations Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPSAW4202 – Plan and monitor saw log operations FWPSAW4209 – Plan for and supervise log processing operations Not equivalent
FWPSAW4203 – Coordinate timber drying operations FWPSAW4208 – Plan for and coordinate timber drying operations Not equivalent
FWPSAW4205 – Plan and monitor timber conversion FWPSAW4210 – Plan for and supervise timber dry mill operations Not equivalent
FWPTMM3210 – Convert timber FWPSAW3253 – Re-saw green timber Not equivalent
FWPTMM4203 – Install and commission CNC software Not applicable Deleted
FWPTMM4204 – Sample and test products to specifications FWPTMM4214 – Test laminated wood product Not equivalent
FWPTMM4208 – Construct prototypes and samples for timber structures Not applicable Deleted
FWPWPP2213 – Cut panels FWPCOT2268 – Cut timber or engineered wood product to length or dimensions Not equivalent
FWPWPP3201 – Produce veneer from debarked logs FWPTMM3217 – Develop knowledge of plywood or laminated veneer lumber production Not equivalent


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
FWPWPP3209 – Prepare resin and additives FWPCOT3338 – Identify glues and gluing systems used in production of wood products Not equivalent
FWPWPP3212 – Dry material FWPSAW3257 – Operate timber drying kiln Not equivalent
FWPWPP3231 – Produce veneer from prepared flitches FWPTMM3218 – Develop knowledge of veneer preparation in plywood or laminated veneer lumber production Not equivalent
Not applicable FWPCOT3345 – Develop knowledge of chain of custody certification requirements for forest and wood products Newly created
Not applicable FWPCOT3346 – Communicate effectively with general public or stakeholders concerned about forest practices Newly created
Not applicable FWPCOT4223 – Assess requirements of chain of custody certification scheme for forest and wood products Newly created
Not applicable FWPCOT4224 – Conduct internal audit of chain of custody certification for forest and wood products Newly created
Not applicable FWPCOT4225 – Apply principles of pneumatics and hydraulics to analyse potential equipment failures Newly created


Code and title (Version 7.1) Code and title (Version 8.0) Equivalence statement
Not applicable FWPFIR3002 – Apply communication protocols during post-bushfire vegetation clearing and clean-up operations Newly created
Not applicable FWPFIR4001 – Conduct tree hazard assessment post-fire Newly created
Not applicable FWPTMM3219 – Develop knowledge of reconstituted wood panel production Newly created
Not applicable FWPTMM3220 – Develop knowledge of glue laminated timber or cross laminated timber production Newly created
Not applicable FWPTMM4216 – Plan for and supervise engineered wood product operations Newly created

What Your RTO Needs to Do for The FWP Training Package Updates

As industries evolve and new skills are required, training packages are updated to ensure workers can access the most up-to-date knowledge and skills.

Here are some crucial steps that you can take for the FWP training package update:

  • Review the Implementation Guide for the new FWP training package update to understand the changes and how to implement them.
  • Update training and assessment materials to align with the new changes in the FWP.
  • Ensure that trainers and assessors know the changes and have the necessary skills and knowledge to deliver training and assessment for the updated qualifications and units.
  • Communicate the changes to learners and ensure they know how the changes may impact their training and assessment.
  • Apply for a scope of registration if the new changes are not equivalent to the current version of the qualifications or units of competency. ASQA automatically adds the latest version to your scope if it’s equivalent to the old version.
  • Update any marketing or promotional materials to reflect the updated qualifications and units of competency.

By following these steps, RTOs can ensure they offer high-quality training and assessment that meets the industry’s and their learners’ needs.

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