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PSP Training Package Update: Key Changes with the latest Public Sector Training Package that You Should Know

PSP Training Package Update

27 July 2023 Update

PSP Training Package Update: ASQA Grants Extended Transition Periods for PSP50916 and PSP60916 Qualifications!

Great news, RTOs! The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has delivered new PSP training package updates, approving extended transition periods for two qualifications for the Public Sector (PSP) Training Package – PSP50916 Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE-English) and PSP60916 Advanced Diploma of Interpreting (LOTE-English).

This PSP training package update means you now have more time to manage the training, assessment, and certification issuance for these qualifications. The extended training period for PSP50916 will end on 31 July 2024, while PSP60916’s extended period concludes on 31 January 2024. However, all students must have either completed the course or transferred to the replacement qualification by the new transition end date.

ASQA takes into account the Guidance for Providers – Learner Transition and carefully considers transition requests. The key factor for approval is whether there would be a genuine disadvantage to a group of learners if an extension is not granted.

It’s important to note that ASQA collaborated with the VRQA and TAC WA while considering these extended transition requests in this latest public sector training package update.

Both PSP50916 and PSP60916 will remain on your RTOs’ scopes of registration until the end of the approved extended transition period date. This additional time for the training update can be a significant advantage for managing learners’ progress and ensuring a smooth transition to the new qualifications.

So, RTOs, take advantage of this opportunity and make the most of the extended transition periods approved by ASQA!

16 March 2023 Update

PSP Training Package Update: ASQA Approves New Transition Period for PSP40516 and PSP40116

ASQA has approved an extended transition period for the PSP40516 Certificate IV in Trade Measurement and PSP40116 Certificate IV in Government as part of the PSP training package update. 

Usually, ASQA allows for specific transition periods for courses to be updated to new versions of the training package. However, in some cases, ASQA may approve an extended transition period if there is a genuine disadvantage to learners if the extension is not approved. 

In this latest public sector training package update, ASQA has approved an extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period for the PSP40516 Certificate IV in Trade Measurement. This means RTOs like you can continue training your students and help them complete the superseded qualification under the PSP training package in Australia until 30 June 2023. 

Meanwhile, ASQA has allowed TAFE SA to have more time to teach and assess the PSP40116 Certificate IV in Government qualification for a particular group of students – South Australia Police (SAPOL) who joined on or before the July 2022 cadet intake. The extended period ends on 31 July 2023, giving SAPOL learners more time to complete their training and receive certificates. Skills IQ and the Government of South Australia, Department of Education, supported the decision to extend the deadline.   

It’s worth noting that these qualifications will remain on your RTO’s scope of registration until the end of the extended transition period. However, you may withdraw the qualification from the scope before the end of the transition period. 

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