Find the most comprehensive training resources for business skill sets on the market!
All Precision RTO materials go through a rigorous quality assurance and validation process. These training resources were designed in collaboration with industry professionals and instructional designers to ensure every training resource is up to the latest industry and ASQA standards.
Pay less and train more! Save on training costs with the unlimited student use licence model versus the pay per student model.
Conveniently edit your training materials! Contextualise, rebrand, and totally modify your training resources to match specific needs for business skills.
At Precision RTO Resources, we go above and beyond—Gold winner for Content Curation at the 2022 LearnX Awards and Australian Achiever Award for outstanding customer service!
Extensive and up-to-date learning materials to help with volume of learning compliance. Your resources include formative assessments, PowerPoint presentations, mapping tools, and more to ensure your students gain relevant business skills!
Detailed and specific benchmarks so your assessors can more effectively and accurately judge competency and business skills. Plus, the assessment tools come with comprehensive assessment mapping.
Enhance your students’ learning experience with eLearning resources complete with interactive elements, narrated audio content, summary quizzes, and more!
Any issues during an official regulatory audit? No problem! Let us know about any non-compliance concerns and we’ll revise the training materials for you for free (T&Cs apply).
We’re constantly improving our skill set RTO resources to match regulatory changes, compliance updates, and any feedback from customers. Any minor updates to your training resources will be given for free!
Provide a complete learning experience with a state-of-the-art virtual workplace! Give students access to a simulated work environment complete with work forms, documents, and workplace scenarios.
Know what you can do with a simulated workplace environment.
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Code | Name |
Cross Sector Infection Control
Business Operations Support
Business Operations Management
Micro Business
New Business Ventures
Marketing and Communication Foundations
Marketing and Communication
Diversity and Inclusion
Customer Service
Administrative Assistant
Lead Auditor
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