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Latest Construction, Plumbing, and Services (CPC) Training Package Update in Australia: Keep Your RTO Up-to-Date

Latest CPC Training Package Update

23 August 2023 Update

CPC Training Update: ASQA Extends Transition Period for CPC31511 Certificate III in Formwork/Falsework!

Ensuring a smooth shift for your learners and upholding the quality of vocational education and training (VET), the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has given the green light to an extended transition period for the CPC31511 Certificate III in Formwork/Falsework qualification. This CPC training update, reached after thorough consultations with relevant authorities, underscores ASQA’s commitment to facilitating a seamless transition without causing unnecessary disruptions to students.

ASQA, tasked with maintaining educational standards, has the authority to grant transition periods beyond what’s specified in the 2015 Standards for Registered Training Organisations. The organisation has officially declared that the extended training, assessment, and certification issuance period for the CPC31511 qualification will conclude on 31 December 2024. This training update was made after careful deliberation and adherence to the Guidance for Providers – Learner Transition.

ASQA rigorously assesses each application for an extended transition period to ensure that it serves the best interests of your students and safeguards their educational journeys.

Extended Transition Period Opportunities

Throughout this extended transition period, the CPC31511 qualification will remain within your scope of registration. It ensures students access high-quality education and training opportunities as they transition.

For prospective students interested in pursuing the CPC31511 Certificate III in Formwork/Falsework, the extended transition period offers the opportunity to enrol. However, it’s vital to understand that all learners, whether already registered or new enrollees, must either successfully complete the qualification or transition to the replacement qualification by the specified transition end date.

ASQA reached this decision through close collaboration with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA) and the Training Accreditation Council of Western Australia (TAC WA). This cooperative approach underscores the commitment of regulatory bodies to ensure that any CPC training updates made are comprehensive and carefully considered.

06 April 2023 Update

CPC Training Update: CPCCWHS1001 Gets an Extended Transition Period

The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) has recently granted an extended transition period for the unit of competency CPCCWHS1001-Prepare to work safely in the construction industry of the CPC – construction, plumbing and services training package, which means that your RTO can continue to deliver this unit of competency and issue certifications until 31 July 2023.

The training update is under the Guidance for Providers – Learner Transition and aims to prevent genuine disadvantage to a cohort of learners. ASQA has consulted with state and territory work health and safety regulators, Safe Work Australia, VRQA, and TAC WA to support the extension request.

Why is the Transition Period Extended for CPCCWHS1001

ASQA can grant extended transition periods beyond the timelines specified in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015. In this instance, ASQA has given an extended transition period for CPCCWHS1001 of the construction, plumbing and services training package to prevent genuine disadvantage to learners, thus ensuring that your learners have sufficient time to complete the required training and meet the necessary industry health and safety requirements.

CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry is superseded and equivalent to CPCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry.

ASQA considers each request on its merits and evaluates the potential impact on learners before deciding.

Understanding the Importance of the CPC Training Package Update

The unit of competency CPCCWHS1001 – Prepare to work safely in the construction industry is a crucial requirement for anyone working in the construction industry. It covers many essential topics, including identifying and reporting construction hazards, understanding risk control measures, and responding to potential incidents and emergencies.

What RTOs Must Do with the Latest Construction, Plumbing and Services Training Package Updates

RTOs like you can continue offering these affected units and qualifications of the CPC training package until their extended transition period ends. This allows you to continue providing training, assessment, and certification issuance.

As an RTO delivering CPC units and qualifications, you must:

  1. Conduct a thorough review of the extended transition period and any training and assessment strategies, considering the latest construction, plumbing and services training package updates.
  2. Communicate the updated information to continuing students clearly and timely, providing them with the necessary support and guidance to complete their requirements successfully.
  3. Develop a comprehensive transition plan outlining the new course’s implementation process, including details on timing, resources, and support or training needed for staff and students to ensure a smooth and seamless transition.
  4. Obtain confirmation of the scope of registration from relevant regulatory bodies, ensuring that all courses meet the required standards and requirements before proceeding with delivery.
  5. Ensure that all your trainers delivering the new courses are fully qualified and possess the necessary skills and experience to provide high-quality training and education to students.
  6. Source premium RTO learning resources from reputable publishers in Australia to ensure the highest quality of educational materials for students.

With these steps, you can ensure a smooth and successful transition for your staff and students while maintaining the delivery of top-notch training and assessment in the construction, plumbing and services training package in Australia.

The CPC training update ensures that the construction industry has a skilled workforce trained to work safely, contributing to improved safety standards and practices on construction sites.

ASQA’s approval of the extended transition period for these units and qualifications in the construction industry is a positive development for you, your learners, and the construction industry. It provides additional time for learners to complete their training and ensures the sector has a competent and safe workforce. You are encouraged to take advantage of this extended period to continue delivering high-quality training and assessment for this qualification.

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