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March 2023 Skills Shortage Quarterly Report Reveals Rising National Fill Rates

March 2023 Skills Shortage Quarterly Report

According to March 2023 Skills Shortage Quarterly Report by Jobs and Skills Australia (JSA), employers looking to fill skilled job vacancies are having an easier time finding suitable candidates. The Skills Shortage Quarterly (SSQ) report found that the national fill rate for skilled occupations has increased to 63% in the March 2023 quarter, up from 59% in December 2023 and 56% in March 2022.

This rise in national fill rates, a decrease in recruitment difficulty, and steady job advertisements suggest that the labour market may be easing. Although there was little quarterly change in the number of applicants and suitable applicants per vacancy, both have significantly increased over the past year. The report found an average of 14.1 applicants per vacancy and 2.4 suitable applicants per vacancy in March 2023, up from 10.1 and 1.7, respectively, in March 2022.

Potential Decrease in Occupation Shortage with Continued Increase in National Fill Rates and Qualified Candidates

Occupation shortages could potentially decrease if there is a continued increase in fill rates and a rise in the number of qualified and suitable candidates per job opening. The SSQ is a new quarterly report that analyses occupation shortage pressures using data from JSA’s Survey of Employers and is a vital indicator of the direction of the labour market, complementing the Labour Market Update report and the Internet Vacancy Index.

March 2023 Skills Shortage Quarterly Report: Employment Data by Occupation

Occupation  Fill rate (%)  Applicants per vacancy  Qualified applicants per vacancy  Suitable applicants per vacancy 
Professionals  63%  14.6  6.0  2.5 
Business, Human Resource and Marketing  73%  18.5  6.3  2.8 
Design, Engineering, Science and Transport  67%  19.7  9.2  2.6 
Education  75%  5.5  2.7  1.2 
Health  40%  4.0  1.9  1.1 
ICT  82%  36.5  16.9  7.5 
Legal, Social and Welfare  71%  10.2  3.7  2.1 
Technicians and Trades Workers  49%  10.1  2.7  1.5 
Engineering, ICT and Science Technicians  76%  20.2  6.0  2.8 
Automotive and Engineering Trades  35%  5.1  1.7  0.8 
Construction Trades  28%  4.0  0.7  0.7 
Electrotechnology and Telecomm. Trades  35%  6.0  1.7  1.1 
Food Trades  58%  9.0  2.6  1.6 
Community and Personal Service Workers  62%  8.9  3.1  1.7 
Health and Welfare Support  56%  10.9  4.2  1.8 
Carers and Aides  65%  7.0  3.0  1.6 
Hospitality  73%  14.8  3.1  2.8 
Sports and Personal Service  47%  6.3  2.0  1.1 

How RTOs Can Turn Rising National Fill Rates into Growth Opportunities

The rising national fill rates in the labour market can present an opportunity for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) in Australia. As the demand for skilled workers increases, RTOs can attract more students to their training programs, resulting in growth opportunities for the organisation.

Moreover, RTOs can use the rising fill rates to inform their program offerings, focusing on in-demand fields and industries. By tailoring their training programs to meet current industry needs, RTOs can attract more students and position themselves as leaders in their respective fields.

Additionally, the rising fill rates can lead to increased partnerships between RTOs and industry leaders. RTOs can collaborate with industry leaders to gain insights into current labour market trends and skills shortages. By working closely with employers, RTOs can tailor their training programs to meet the needs of specific industries and fill critical skills gaps.

The rising national fill rates can benefit RTOs by providing opportunities for growth, attracting more students, and strengthening industry partnerships. By staying attuned to labour market trends and adapting their training programs accordingly, RTOs can position themselves for success in a rapidly changing economy.

Learn more about the rising fill rates by visiting JSA’s Skills Shortage Quarterly – March 2023.

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