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 Transforming the Skills Landscape: The Appointment of the New South Australian Skills Commissioner

Cameron Baker, the former head of Apprenticeships Victoria, has been appointed by the Malinauskas Labor Government as the new South Australian Skills Commissioner. This appointment follows the departure of Renee Hindmarsh, the previous commissioner, who stepped down for personal reasons. Mr Baker’s appointment is for a significant five-year term, and he will assume the leading role in South Australia’s skills system starting in July.

Newly Appointed South Australian Skills Commissioner Brings Extensive Expertise in Labour and Workforce Development

With extensive experience in the skills and labour sector, Mr Baker brings a wealth of knowledge to his new role. Before this appointment, he was a senior consultant in skills and labour for the National Transport Commission. He has also held key positions such as Director and Acting Skills Commissioner of the Victorian Skills Commission.

He also played a pivotal role in establishing Apprenticeships Victoria, where he led a team dedicated to increasing the number of apprenticeships and traineeships, particularly for individuals from underrepresented backgrounds.

SA Skills Commission: Shaping a Dynamic and Industry-Focused Skills System

The SA Skills Commission, established in 2021, aims to create a more flexible and easily accessible skills system that aligns with the workforce needs and actively involves various industries. The commission plays a vital role in assessing and guiding the performance of the skills sector while actively collaborating directly with industry representatives and employers to ensure the delivery of skills required for future job opportunities in South Australia.

More Appointments to the Skills Commission

The SA government has made several appointments to the Skills Commission, alongside the selection of Mr Baker as the new South Australian Skills Commissioner. These individuals will serve a two-year term and contribute their expertise to the commission’s work. The appointed members are as follows:

  • Helen Gibbons, Director of Early Childhood Education at the United Workers Union
  • Louise Nobes, CEO of KIK Innovation
  • John Chapman, Former Small Business Commissioner
  • Leonie Boothby, CEO of Regional Development Australia Barossa Gawler Light Adelaide Plains
  • Andy Keough, Managing Director of SAAB Australia.
  • Ian Horne, CEO of the Australian Hotels Association.
  • Michael Luchich, State and Territory Director (SA and NT) at Optus
  • Adrienne Nieuwenhuis, Commissioner of the Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency
  • Stuart Gordon, SA Assistant Secretary of the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union
  • Robyn Verrall, South-East farmer and founder of Bully’s Meat

These individuals bring diverse backgrounds and expertise to the commission, ensuring a wide range of perspectives are represented in shaping South Australia’s skilled workforce to meet the evolving needs of various industries and the economy.

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