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Just released 240+ new AHC and FWP RTO resources

Just released 240+ new AHC and FWP RTO resources

We’re excited to unveil our latest training resources, specifically designed for the Agriculture, Horticulture, and Conservation and Land Management (AHC) and Forest and Wood Products (FWP) industries. These resources are meticulously developed to provide students with essential skills and in-depth knowledge to thrive in these critical sectors.

With a strong focus on sustainability, our resources prepare learners for careers that demand not just technical expertise, but also a profound understanding of environmentally responsible practices.

Qualification CodeQualification Name
AHC10222Certificate I in Agriculture 
AHC10322Certificate I in Horticulture 
AHC20320Certificate II in Production Horticulture 
AHC20520Certificate II in Arboriculture 
AHC20720Certificate II in Nursery Operations 
AHC21020Certificate II in Conservation and Ecosystem Management 
AHC21216Certificate II in Rural Operations 
AHC40422Certificate IV in Horticulture 
AHC42021Certificate IV in Landscape Construction Management 
AHC42122Certificate IV in Permaculture 
AHC42421Certificate IV in Landscape Design 
AHC51024Diploma of Sports Turf Management 
AHC51222Diploma of Community Group Coordination and Facilitation 
AHC52021Diploma of Landscape Construction Management 
AHC60422Advanced Diploma of Conservation and Ecosystem Management 
Unit CodeUnit Name
AHCAGB512Plan and manage infrastructure 
AHCAGB518Develop climate risk management strategies 
AHCAGB519Plan and monitor production processes 
AHCAGB607Manage succession planning 
AHCAGB609Develop export markets for produce 
AHCAGB610Manage the production system 
AHCAGB612Manage price risk through trading strategy 
AHCARB213Perform ground-based rigging 
AHCARB315Inspect trees for access and work 
AHCARB323Identify trees 
AHCARB407Supervise and audit tree operations 
AHCARB408Perform a ground-based tree defect evaluation 
AHCARB409Conduct a safety audit 
AHCBAC313Establish pastures and crops for livestock production 
AHCBIO204Follow site biosecurity procedures 
AHCBIO301Identify and report unusual disease or plant pest signs 
AHCBIO401Plan and implement a biosecurity program 
AHCBUS301Use hand held e-business tools 
AHCBUS407Cost a project 
AHCBUS408Operate within a budget framework 
AHCBUS409Participate in an e-business supply chain 
AHCBUS410Report on a project 
AHCBUS511Manage enterprise staff requirements 
AHCBUS513Market products and services 
AHCBUS514Negotiate and monitor contracts 
AHCBUS515Prepare estimates, quotes and tenders 
AHCBUS516Develop and review a business plan 
AHCBUS517Monitor and review business performance 
AHCBUS610Manage agribusiness risk 
AHCBUS612Review land management plans and strategies 
AHCCHM404Develop procedures to minimise risks in the use of chemicals 
AHCCHM405Plan and implement a chemical use program 
AHCCHM501Develop and manage a chemical use strategy 
AHCDRG202Maintain drainage systems 
AHCDRG305Install drainage system 
AHCDRY303Coordinate and monitor milking operations 
AHCDRY304Carry out routine service of milking equipment 
AHCECR101Support ecological restoration 
AHCECR102Support native seed collection 
AHCECR201Capture digital media for fieldwork 
AHCECR202Maintain wildlife habitat refuges 
AHCECR203Perform basic ecological restoration works 
AHCECR301Maintain native ecosystem areas 
AHCECR307Read and interpret maps 
AHCECR309Conduct an ecological and cultural site inspection prior to works 
AHCECR310Implement assisted regeneration works 
AHCECR311Implement ecosystem reconstruction works 
AHCFAU302Identify fauna in the field 
AHCFIR202Assist with planned burning 
AHCINF205Carry out basic electric fencing operations 
AHCINF207Maintain properties and structures 
AHCINF301Implement property improvement, construction and repair 
AHCINF306Plan and construct an electric fence 
AHCINF307Plan and construct conventional fencing 
AHCIRG219Assist with low volume irrigation operations 
AHCIRG220Assist with surface irrigation operations 
AHCIRG221Assist with pressurised irrigation operations 
AHCIRG222Assist with pump and flow control device operations 
AHCIRG338Troubleshoot irrigation systems 
AHCIRG345Install pressurised irrigation systems 
AHCIRG347Maintain pressurised irrigation systems 
AHCIRG436Implement an irrigation-related environmental protection program 
AHCIRG437Schedule irrigations 
AHCIRG509Develop an irrigation and drainage management plan 
AHCLPW302Implement a biodiversity monitoring plan 
AHCLSC206Assist with landscape construction work 
AHCLSC207Construct low-profile timber or modular retaining walls 
AHCLSC208Install aggregate paths 
AHCLSC209Lay paving 
AHCLSC210Install tree protection devices 
AHCLSC301Set out site for construction works 
AHCLSC311Set out site for construction works 
AHCLSC312Construct brick and block structures and features 
AHCLSC313Construct stone structures and features, and install stone cladding 
AHCLSC316Implement a paving project 
AHCLSC317Construct landscape features using concrete 
AHCLSC318Erect timber structures and features 
AHCLSC319Implement a retaining wall project 
AHCLSK202Care for health and welfare of livestock 
AHCLSK204Carry out regular livestock observation 
AHCLSK205Handle livestock using basic techniques 
AHCLSK206Identify & mark livestock 
AHCLSK209Monitor water supplies 
AHCLSK211Provide feed for livestock 
AHCLSK301Administer medication to animals 
AHCLSK308Identify & draft livestock 
AHCLSK316Prepare livestock for competition 
AHCLSK318Rear newborn and young livestock 
AHCLSK330Implement procedures for calving 
AHCLSK341Co-ordinate artificial insemination & fertility management of livestock 
AHCMDC301Apply security regulatory requirements to work in the medicinal cannabis industry 
AHCMDC302Apply regulatory and quality requirements to the production of medicinal cannabis 
AHCMDC303Undertake propagation of medicinal cannabis 
AHCMDC304Undertake care and maintenance of medicinal cannabis 
AHCMDC305Undertake harvest and pre-processing of medicinal cannabis 
AHCMOM204Undertake operational maintenance of machinery 
AHCMOM208Conduct excavator operations 
AHCMOM216Operate side by side utility vehicles 
AHCMOM305Operate Specialised Equipment and Machinery 
AHCMOM310Operate land-forming machinery and equipment 
AHCMOM501Manage machinery and equipment 
AHCMOM502Implement a machinery management system 
AHCNSY308Maintain nursery plants 
AHCNSY312Prepare specialised plants 
AHCNSY313Implement a propagation plan 
AHCNSY403Plan a growing-on program 
AHCOCM201Maintain cultural sites 
AHCOCM202Observe and report plants or animals 
AHCOCM203Record information about Country 
AHCOCM301Provide information on Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Peoples' cultural practice 
AHCOCM303Follow Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols 
AHCORG102Support organic production 
AHCPCM202Collect, prepare and preserve plant specimens 
AHCPCM406Develop a soil health and plant nutrition program 
AHCPCM507Diagnose plant health problems 
AHCPER217Report information about the local bioregion 
AHCPER219Plant and maintain crops in a permaculture system 
AHCPER221Recognise characteristics of integrated plant and animal systems 
AHCPER222Use and maintain basic hand tools and equipment for garden and farm 
AHCPER224Work effectively in permaculture 
AHCPGD102Support gardening work 
AHCPGD208Prepare and maintain plant displays 
AHCPGD210Transplant shrubs and small trees 
AHCPGD212Conduct Visual Inspection of Park Facilities 
AHCPGD507Manage plant cultural practices 
AHCPHT102Support horticultural production 
AHCPHT411Implement and monitor a horticultural crop harvesting program 
AHCPHT511Develop a horticultural production plan 
AHCPMG203Work effectively in a pest management environment 
AHCPMG306Determine pest control techniques 
AHCPMG308Implement pest management strategies 
AHCPMG409Implement a pest management plan 
AHCPMG412Develop a pest management plan 
AHCSAW202Recognise landforms and soil types 
AHCSOL305Prepare growing media 
AHCSOL505Monitor and manage soils for production 
AHCTRF205Assist in the preparation of turf surfaces for play 
AHCTRF206Assist with turf construction 
AHCTRF207Renovate grassed areas 
AHCTRF208Support turf establishment 
AHCTRF306Prepare sports turf surfaces for play 
AHCTRF307Construct turf playing surfaces 
AHCTRF308Establish turf 
AHCTRF309Implement a grassed area maintenance program 
AHCTRF310Monitor turf health 
AHCTRF311Renovate sports turf 
AHCWAT503Manage water systems 
AHCWHS401Maintain work health and safety processes 
AHCWHS402Maintain workplace health and safety processes 
AHCWRK208Provide information on products and services 
AHCWRK315Respond to emergencies 
AHCWRK318Comply with industry quality assurance requirements 
AHCWRK323Operate in isolated and remote situations 
AHCWRK402Provide information on issues and policies 
AHCWRK403Supervise work routines and staff performance 
AHCWRK404Implement quality assurance procedures 
AHCWRK410Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices 
AHCWRK506Collect and manage data 
AHCWRK512Plan, implement and review a quality assurance program 
AHCWRK513Write and present reports 
AHCWRK515Assess new industry developments 
AHCWRK520Develop workplace policy and procedures for environment and sustainability 

Browse All AHC Resources

Unit CodeUnit Name
FWPCOR2202Communicate and interact effectively in the workplace 
FWPCOR2205Follow WHS policies and procedures 
FWPCOR3202Conduct quality and product care procedures 
FWPCOT2206Stack and bind material 
FWPCOT2234Dock material to length 
FWPCOT2243Tail out timber product and waste material 
FWPCOT2244Operate and maintain a thicknesser 
FWPCOT2246Appearance grade hardwood sawn and milled products 
FWPCOT2249Visually stress grade hardwood 
FWPCOT2250Visually stress grade softwood 
FWPCOT2254Maintain chainsaws 
FWPCOT2255Store materials 
FWPCOT2257Use hand-held tools 
FWPCOT2259Cut materials with a hand-held chainsaw 
FWPCOT2261Process orders and prepare for despatch 
FWPCOT2263Cross cut materials with a fixed saw 
FWPCOT2273Trim and cut felled trees 
FWPCOT3202Navigate in remote or trackless areas 
FWPCOT3219Produce standard truss or frame plans and details using computers 
FWPCOT3226Assess timber for manufacturing potential 
FWPCOT3234Cut material using CNC sizing machines 
FWPCOT3272Set up and run multi-head moulder/planer to produce simple profiles 
FWPCOT3273Set up and run multi-head moulder to produce complex profiles 
FWPCOT3274Cut timber products using high-speed optimiser 
FWPCOT3275Set up, operate and maintain end matching machines 
FWPCOT3276Sharpen cutters using a straight knife grinder 
FWPCOT3277Sharpen cutters in head using a profile knife grinder 
FWPCOT3278Sharpen cutters in head using a straight knife grinder 
FWPCOT3279Assess and maintain saw technology tools 
FWPCOT3280Replace saw blades, knives and guides 
FWPCOT3281Manufacture profile cutters 
FWPCOT3282Assess and maintain saw blade and sawing machine performance 
FWPCOT3283Sharpen and position blades or knives in chipper, canter and reducer 
FWPCOT3286Identify levelling and tensioning requirements for saw blades 
FWPCOT3287Operate CNC equipment for grinding, tensioning and levelling saw blades 
FWPCOT3290Apply knowledge of timber properties, sawmill operations and sawmilling equipment 
FWPCOT3291Apply principles of timber and process optimisation in sawmill operations 
FWPCOT3294Swage and shape saw blades 
FWPCOT3302Access and provide timber and wood product information 
FWPCOT3303Prepare sketches and drawings 
FWPCOT3304Take off material quantities 
FWPCOT3305Interpret and quote from manufactured timber product plans 
FWPCOT3307Create drawings using computer aided design software 
FWPCOT3308Assemble timber wall frames 
FWPCOT3310Prepare timber or related products to meet import/export compliance requirements 
FWPCOT3311Use environmental care procedures to undertake fire salvage operations 
FWPCOT3350Fell trees manually (intermediate) 
FWPCOT4201Produce complex truss and frame plans and details using computers 
FWPCOT4209Design timber structures 
FWPCOT4210Provide specialised timber product solutions 
FWPCOT4211Monitor stock control procedures 
FWPHAR2202Perform landing duties (chaser) 
FWPSAW3232Sharpen band saw blades 
FWPSAW3233Sharpen circular saw blades 
FWPSAW3235Recondition saw guides 
FWPSAW3236Sharpen tipped circular saw blades 
FWPSAW3247Replace tungsten tips 
FWPSAW3251Apply principles of blade design to sawing procedures 
FWPSAW4206Monitor output timber for optimum volume and value recovery 
FWPSAW4207Optimise timber production for volume and value recovery 
FWPTMM2205Cut material to length and angles 
FWPTMM3213Read and interpret timber truss or wall frame fabrication plans 
FWPTMM3215Work effectively in the timber systems design industry 
FWPTMM4209Interpret details of timber roof trusses to inform design of plans and production documents 
FWPTMM4210Interpret details of timber floor systems to inform design of plans and production documents 

Browse All FWP Resources

Explore our extensive range of 13,000+ training resources, carefully tailored to meet the diverse needs of your RTO. Our offerings span a wide variety of industries including AUR, AVI, BSB, CHC, CPC, CPP, CUA, FNS, FSK, HLT, ICT, MEM, RII, SIS, SIT, TAE, TLI, UEE and more!

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