Remember that all RTOs must meet their VET data reporting obligations by reporting their 2014 nationally accredited training by 27 February 2015. While there are some transition arrangements, this is the common timeline. Depending on where you are, you will need to report to either your state or territory training authority or to NCVER. Where and when to report your AVETMISS data depends on how the training you deliver is funded and which state or territory you report in.
You will also need to collate your 2014 training and student data using an AVETMISS-compliant information management system prior to extracting your data into AVETMISS-compliant National Data Collection files (NAT files).
Finally, you will need to validate your NAT files. For most RTOs, this will be via NCVER’s free, web-based AVETMISS validation software (AVS). You will need to correct and revalidate your data until it is error-free and submit your data either to your STA or directly to NCVER by 27 February 2015.
The AVETMISS support team has created a video tutorial to guide you through the validation process. Learn how to upload, validate and report your nationally accredited data using NCVER’s free web-based AVETMISS Validation Software (AVS). Watch their video now.