RTO Learning Resources has acquired the license to distribute part of the Careers Australia library of training resources and is making them available to Australian training organisations. This catalogue includes one of the largest ranges of training resources in Australia, which have not been available to the general public before.
RTO Learning Materials also develops original training resources to complement the Careers Australia library and is currently expanding its range into the FSK training package with completely new, original materials.
The FSK training materials under RTO Learning Materials have a rectification guarantee. RTO Learning Materials will provide audit rectification assistance if you experience problems with your RTO Learning Materials FSK assessment resources at audit.
A license agreement acknowledging acceptance of these terms and conditions must be signed and returned before any training resources can be released to you. Please take some time to read the terms and conditions of sale for these training resources below.
Please review the unit matrices supplied to see what materials are available for each unit of competency.
Please note that we work on a “first-come, first-served” basis to be fair to all our clients. Orders go into the delivery queue once payment and licensing have been finalized and all required information received. Delays to those steps may result in your order taking longer to be processed and delivered.
Note: As of 1st July 2018, in certain kinds of audits ASQA no longer offers an opportunity for rectification if non-compliances are identified at audit. This affects initial RTO registration audits. It is critical you allow yourself enough time to fill any gaps, fully contextualise, and understand your training materials before taking them to audit.
Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the RTO to ensure all compliance requirements are met at audit. No training resource provider can guarantee full compliance at audit.