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SIT Training Package Update: Keep Your RTO Up-to-Date

New SIT Training Package Updates

02 March 2023 Update

Fantastic news for stakeholders concerned about the SITHFAB002 – Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol units and its scheduled replacement SITHFAB021! The Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations has listened to your feedback and has made changes to the assessment requirements of the units. The previous reference to the impact of excessive drinking on types of customers who are at heightened risk, such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders or communities, has been removed.

The changes in the units of the SIT training package update are:

Unit Action
SITHFAB002 – Provide responsible service of alcohol Knowledge Evidence in Assessment Requirements changes. Removed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities from the Particular Group of Customers at heightened risk.
SITHFAB021 – Provide responsible service of alcohol Knowledge Evidence in Assessment Requirements changes. Removed Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities from the Particular Group of Customers at heightened risk.

These changes have been made under the recently released SIT training package update version 2.2. This minor training update means that your registered training organisation (RTOs) will need to review your training and assessment strategies and resources for these units to ensure that these references are removed.

21 June 2022 Update

SIT Training Package Update Version 2 is Now Live!

The new SIT qualifications and units are now live on It’s the biggest change to Tourism, Cookery, Events, Travel and Hospitality, the training products we’ve seen in years!

Here are the areas affected by this massive change:

  • Responsible Service of Alcohol
  • Cookery
  • Tourism
  • Travel
  • Events
  • Hospitality

Typically, RTOs have a 12-month transition period you can use to ensure students from the superseded courses have completed their training and start delivering the latest courses.

Because the changes are so extensive, it’s easy for RTOs to miss essential information. It’s a lot to take in all at once, so to help you out, we’ve compiled this quick overview of the significant changes to the SIT training packages.

Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA) Update

Old Qualifications New Qualifications Equivalency
SITHFAB002 – Provide responsible service of alcohol SITHFAB021 – Provide responsible service of alcohol Equivalent


We know that one of the biggest issues workers, employers, and students have with the Responsible Service of Alcohol unit is the fact that the certification doesn’t apply to all states and territories.

For example, suppose someone gets certified for the SITHFAB002 unit in Queensland, other states or territories won’t recognise that certification and will require them to retake the unit in whatever state they want to work.

The lack of recognition across jurisdictions means less worker mobility, discourages students from enrolling in the course and makes it harder for employers to find qualified workers. The RSA update is here to solve that problem.

The change in the RSA unit is there to make it easier for workers to use their RSA certification across multiple states and territories. This is exciting news not just for students and employers but especially for RTOs!

The RSA unit is one of the most popular units in Australia (an estimated 200,000 students a year), and that’s with all the limitations. Imagine how many more students will flock to this course once the update is released, and more students will be able to work across states. Add to the fact that more people are coming back to the sector, and RTOs could see a significant increase.

That’s a huge market on the line, if you do things right, it’s a huge win! Have your transition plans in place so you don’t get left behind and get a piece of this massive market and a potential increase in demand.

Cookery Training Package Update

Employers in the cookery industry are always looking for skilled workers. After speaking with different RTOs, we’ve learned that students taking cookery courses have a far easier time finding gainful employment because there’s such a high demand for skilled workers.

The update includes training geared towards business skills and hospitality environments. This means those taking the course will have more diverse skills. The cookery unit update affects all qualifications with the relevant units. This means if your RTO has the 2016 versions of the cookery unit, they need to be updated to the 2022 version.

Here is a list of the new cookery qualifications you need to know:

Old Qualifications New Qualifications Equivalency
SIT20416  – Certificate II in Cookery SIT20421 – Certificate II in Cookery Equivalent
SIT30816 – Certificate III in Commercial Cookery SIT30821 – Certificate III in Commercial Cookery Equivalent
SIT30916 – Certificate III in Catering SIT30921 – Certificate III in Catering Equivalent
SIT31016 – Certificate III in Patisserie SIT31021 – Certificate III in Patisserie Equivalent
SIT31116 – Certificate III in Asian Cookery SIT31121 – Certificate III in Asian Cookery Equivalent
SIT40516 – Certificate IV in Kitchen Management SIT40521 – Certificate IV in Kitchen Management Equivalent
SIT40616 – Certificate IV in Catering Management SIT40621 – Certificate IV in Catering Management Equivalent
SIT40716 – Certificate IV in Patisserie SIT40721 – Certificate IV in Patisserie Equivalent
SIT40816 Certificate IV in Asian Cookery SIT40821 – Certificate IV in Asian Cookery Equivalent


Tourism Training Package Update

With COVID-19 restrictions easing, the tourism sector is expected to bounce back. After speaking with RTOs and those in the industry, everyone is excited by what this could mean for the tourism industry.

A lot of people who have left the tourism industry are going to come back and more are going to come into the industry to take advantage of the reinvigorated market. As an RTO, this is your chance to really dominate the market by securing your SIT resources and expanding your scope. Right now, the industry faces these challenges:

  • Workforce supply
  • Re-skilling current workers
  • Skilling new workers

People will be turning to RTOs to reskill or skill up now that Australia is easing its borders and travel becomes a possibility again.

The scope of the changes affects the following:

  • 12 qualifications
  • 14 skill sets
  • 88 units

Here is a list of the new tourism qualifications you need to know:

Old Qualifications New Qualifications Equivalency
SIT10116 – Certificate I in Tourism (Australian Indigenous Culture) SIT10122 – Certificate I in Tourism (Australian Indigenous Culture) Equivalent (Updates to elective list)
SIT20116 – Certificate II in Tourism SIT20122 – Certificate II in Tourism Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Changes to core units. Addition of holiday parks and resorts specialisation. Updates to elective list.)
SIT20216 – Certificate II in Holiday Parks and Resorts SIT20222 – Certificate II in Holiday Parks and Resorts Proposed for deletion.
SIT30116 – Certificate III in Tourism SIT30122 – Certificate III in Tourism Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Addition of holiday parks and resorts specialisation Updates to elective list.)
SIT30316 – Certificate III in Guiding SIT30322 – Certificate III in Guiding Equivalent (Updates to elective list.)
SIT40116 – Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism SIT30422 – Certificate III in Holiday Parks and Resorts Proposed for deletion.
SIT40616 – Certificate IV in Catering Management SIT40121 – Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Addition of holiday parks and resorts specialisation Updates to elective list.)
SIT40216 – Certificate IV in Guiding SIT40222 – Certificate IV in Guiding Equivalent (Updates to elective list.)
SIT40316 – Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and Resorts SIT40322 – Certificate IV in Holiday Parks and Resorts Proposed for deletion.
SIT50116 – Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management SIT50122 – Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Changes to core units. Addition of holiday parks and resorts specialisation Elective list updated.)
SIT50216 – Diploma of Holiday Park and Resort Management SIT50222 – Diploma of Holiday Park and Resort Management Proposed for deletion.
SIT60116 – Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management SIT60122 – Advanced Diploma of Travel and Tourism Management Equivalent (Updates to elective list.)


Hospitality Training Package Update

Employers nowadays are looking for workers skilled in customer service, and engagement preferences such as online platforms and behaviours. They want people knowledgeable in data analytics, online and social media, and communication. That’s what the hospitality training package update is all about.

As an RTO, you want to stay on top of these changes, you must secure the latest hospitality training materials ahead of time. Half of the major qualifications for hospitality aren’t equivalent. Get your plans in place now so you have a stress-free transition.

Here are the changes you need to be aware of for the hospitality training package:

  • 7 qualifications
  • 7 skill sets
  • 52units

Here is a list of the new hospitality qualifications you need to know:

Old Qualifications New Qualifications Equivalency
SIT10216 Certificate I in Hospitality SIT10222 – Certificate I in Hospitality Equivalent
SIT20316 Certificate II in Hospitality SIT20322 – Certificate II in Hospitality Equivalent (Updates to elective list.)
SIT30616 Certificate III in Hospitality SIT30622 – Certificate III in Hospitality Not Equivalent (Changes to core unit list. Updates to elective list.)
SIT30716 Certificate III in Hospitality (Restaurant Front of House) SIT30722 – Certificate III in Hospitality (Restaurant Front of House) Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Changes to core unit list. Updates to elective list.)
SIT40416 Certificate IV in Hospitality SIT40422 – Certificate IV in Hospitality Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Changes to core unit list. Updates to elective list.)
SIT50416 Diploma of Hospitality Management SIT50422 – Diploma of Hospitality Management Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Changes to core unit list. Updates to elective list.)
SIT40616 Certificate IV in Catering Management SIT40122 – Certificate IV in Travel and Tourism Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules Addition of holiday parks and resorts specialisation Updates to elective list.)
SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management SIT60322 – Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Changes to core unit list. Updates to elective list.)


Events Training Package Update

Similar to the other updates to the SIT training package, changes in the events training products were made with COVID-19 protocols in mind. The three major events qualifications below are not equivalent to their updated versions.

The changes are pretty extensive, as they include packaging rules, core units, and elective units. If you’re an RTO delivering these qualifications, you have to have a plan as early as now to transition because these are very significant changes.

The changes to the SIT training package under the Events training package include:

  • 3 qualifications
  • 2 skill sets
  • 19 units

Here is a list of the new events qualifications you need to know:

Old Qualifications New Qualifications Equivalency
SIT30516 – Certificate III in Events SIT30522 – Certificate III in Events Not Equivalent (Changes to core units Updates to elective list.)
SIT50316 – Diploma of Event Management SIT50322 – Diploma of Event Management Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Addition to core units Updates to elective list.)
SIT60216 – Advanced Diploma of Event Management SIT60222 – Advanced Diploma of Event Management Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Addition to core units Updates to elective list.)


Travel Training Package Update

For the travel training package, there isn’t much to say aside from the typical changes in structure and pathways to meet the current environment. The changes to the SIT training package under the Events training package include:

  • 1 qualification
  • 4 skill sets
  • 17 units

Here is a list of the new travel qualifications and units you need to know:

Old Qualifications New Qualifications Equivalency
SIT30216 – Certificate III in Travel SIT30222 – Certificate III in Travel Not Equivalent (Changes to packaging rules. Changes to core units. Updates to elective list.)


Below are the updates to the units of competency:

Old Units of Competency:

  • SITTTSL001 – Operate online information systems
  • SITTTSL002 – Access and interpret product information
  • SITTTSL003 – Provide advice on international destinations
  • SITTTSL004 – Provide advice on Australian destinations
  • SITTTSL005 – Sell tourism products and services
  • SITTTSL006 – Prepare quotations
  • SITTTSL007 – Process reservations
  • SITTTSL008 – Book supplier products and services
  • SITTTSL009 – Process travel-related documentation
  • SITTTSL010 – Use a computerised reservations or operations system
  • SITTTSL011 – Source airfares for domestic flights
  • SITTTSL012 – Construct normal international airfares
  • SITTTSL013 – Construct promotional international airfares
  • SITTTSL014 – Construct advanced international airfares
  • SITTTSL015 – Administer billing and settlement plan
  • SITTTSL016 – Provide specialist advice on cruises
  • SITTTSL017 – Maintain product inventories

New Units of Competency:

  • SITTTVL001 – Access and interpret product information
  • SITTTVL002 – Provide advice on international destinations
  • SITTTVL003 – Provide advice on Australian destinations
  • SITTTVL004 – Sell travel products or services
  • SITTTVL005 – Prepare customer quotations
  • SITTTVL006 – Book travel and process documentation
  • SITTTVL007 – Use a computerised reservations or operations system
  • SITTTVL008 – Source airfares and issue tickets for domestic flights
  • SITTTVL009 – Construct international airfares
  • SITTTVL010 – Construct advanced international airfares
  • SITTTVL011 – Provide specialist advice on cruises

For more information about these changes, check out the SkillsIQ project page here.


What’s Next for RTOs?

The next step for RTOs during this stage of the SIT training package update is to acquire the appropriate SIT RTO resources. You have a limited time to make sure students finish the superseded courses and make the switch to the latest versions.

I don’t need to tell you how stressful transitioning resources can be, especially with an update this massive. Start planning out your projects while you still have time, and purchase your RTO resources as soon as possible.

For more information about SIT RTO materials, get in touch with us! Call 1300 626 556 or email You can also reach us here. Let’s discuss your training resource needs today.

Learn more about the training package update by checking out here.

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